WP Score system with Game Maker Part 2

It has been a while, since I picked this project. For more information about the requirements. Visit the first part.

The scope of this project is to create a Scoreboard that it will receive scores from Gordita and upcoming games developed in Game Maker 2.3. Also, it will send back all the scores of the given game.


Plugins are quite helpful in WordPress. You can install it on multiple sites. Usually, they are better than copy code from one theme to another. Especially when the theme is not custom made.

I love Laravel and MVC structure projects. So, I added a PSR-4 autoloader to work with namespaces and paths.

At the root of the folder, there is a file with plugin info and it will trigger the whole plugin. It will hook to the plugin_loader hook. So, It launches from there the plugin.

There is a Main file where everything is tied together. All the controllers that they launch specific hooks and content.

Score Post Type

It will inherit from WP_Post object, but it won’t be public, so It won’t have archive, template or any other page that you will get info from. It will just be displayed on the Scoreboard.

That’s it for this post. Next time, I will discuss more of the front end part of the plugin


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