WP Score Coding Standards

It is a broad and odd title for mostly video game related blog. But, In past days. I have been working with a colleague in a plugin project for WordPress.

Usually, I prefer to work on something similar that I worked in the past. When, I was working for a friend and started to touch WordPress. He developed a MVC type project.

I really liked the way that it was structed. It was easy to use classes, because of Composer and PSR-4 standard. It used a command type system similar to Laravel Artisan too.

Importance of WordPress Coding

WordPress has a lot of documentation on how to develop on it. It is quite clear and detailed. So, I won’t go deep on it.

Coding is like poetry, we would like to make magic with words, but, it should have a structure and there are some standards to follow to make it clear to understand and work on it.

I really like to do keep my previous model. It is better to keep standards. Because, if somebody wants to pick the project. It will be easy to understand or if somebody wants to take advantage of part of the code. Just need to take a peak and build from there.

So, I will retract from my previous structure and keep WordPress plugin’s guidelines to make something easier to work on.


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