

Play Gordita Now

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Game Story

Gordita is a stray cat trying to survive from the country to the city.

Looking for a home, this lovely cat is smart, capable of overcome any obstacle that live puts in front of her.


This game born from an university course of UNED Games. This is the final project to finish the course.

First, it started from something different. It was a different type of game that needed a lot of work.

So, instead of working from the ground up. I came up with the idea of retaking one of the homework’s and work from it up.

This game is about one of my wife and me cat. She is Gorda. It means chubby in Spanish. She named her cat. Because she is a great eater.

Once, she ate 2 kg (1 pound) of cat food by herself in just one day.

This lovely cat was recued in Cartago from some bad kids that they were playing with her on a bag like she was a soccer’s ball.

My wife recued her and reprehend those kids.


Gordita follows the light when left click on the screen. You need to get 3 cat’s cans in other to move to the next level.

Bug Reporting

The game is a work in progress. It has some bugs that we are sorting out. If you find anything new. Please let us know. We are constantly updating the Release page with the information regarding the bugs and fixes.

Bug Reporting


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