It is finally here. It took me some time to release a version. There are still some changes left to do. But, it is a version prior to the final presentation.
Moved to Game Maker Studio 2.3
It was release some time ago. But, I wasn’t eager to jump the wagon. Usually, when you are working on something and you need to present it.
It is better not to update to the latest version of the IDE or Core files. Usually, some functions goes deprecated or change. So, It is against common sense to do it. It had happened to me and it was awful.
Well, I just noticed an issue that it was related to the following function:
It crashed the game when you pressed escape. I thought that it was related to some of the graphic options on HTML5.
So, it was a nightmare to debug for html5. Finally, I found it and replace it with another function:
It fixed the issue. For the rest, I have to admit it. It looks better and it is way better to work with.
Custom scripts, now they have include the function body and it seems that you can set up your own variable. As you can see, I haven’t worked a lot with it yet.
New laser pointer
As mention on my previous post. My teacher was against the laser pointer as a mouse pointer. So, he helped me with the code for it. and it is one of the new features.
There are some minor changes too. Like new sprites for the box and the cat’s life on the hub.
I will work on the rest of changes that I have in mind on the game and keep you posted it on the blog.
Like always if you find any bug. Please let me know. Thanks
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